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debmake & dpkg

There are many features of debmake that are better placed in dpkg.
Perhaps all of the functionality could be put in dpkg. The
DEBIAN directory could contain something like the control files allowed by
debmake right now. Also scanning binaries and libraries is probably faster
and better to be done with dpkg.

I wonder if I could do some modifications to dpkg or merge both packages?

My future vision for dpkg (apart from debmake functionality) is:
(Some are probably rather long term goals)

- automatically locate packages when just a packagename is given
  (invoke ftp or whatever means configured to get the package)

- automatically install packages depended on by a package

- some system wide configuration file for how to handle docs /manpages
  1. Do not install (I am running several low resource systems that
     I wish would not waste resources on manpages and docs)
  2. Install (uncompressed)
  3. Install and compress (with as much as possible fixing automatically
     the links etc shifting the debmake functionality to the point of
  For that purpose there needs to be some way of telling dpkg what is
  a documentation file and what not. RPM has a similar functionality.

- Checksums stored in the .deb package and a function to verify the
  integrity of installed files.

- Get rid of all the single files in /var/lib/dpkg/info and use
  a database instead to provide faster operation (RPM is much faster
  than dpkg!). Set up a library interface to access the datastructures
  which would be a superset of the rpm library so that rpm tools could
  use the dpkg library (We are hijacking their tools with this move!)
  rpm could run with the dpkg library and install rpm packages without
  conversion ....

- multi format dpkg so that it can install RPM or Slackware packages
  without conversion.

Ok. I think this will cause enough flaming for the moment.
I think I could get that done in a few weeks max if you let me <G>.

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