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Re: PPPD 2.3 Beta 5 release or not?

clameter@waterf.org (Christoph Lameter)  wrote on 09.11.96 in <Pine.LNX.3.95.961109055018.31127A-100000@waterf.org>:

> Well, I wonder if diald is needed anymore? Certainly diald has some more
> advanced features but the new pppd provides the basics you need.

I certainly don't expect to give up using diald in the forseeable future.  
I've not looked at the new pppd, but as I also need SLIP, this isn't an  
answer anyway. And while the ISDN stuff also supports some level of on  
demand connecting, it's not up to diald's standards as well.

I *want* a tool I can tell "this packet means I need a connection, this  
packet doesn't". Diald does that.

MfG Kai

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