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Re: The return of RMS and GNU/Linux

>>"Marcus" == Marcus Daniels <marcus@sysc.pdx.edu> writes:
Marcus> Emacs refers to operating systems that use the Linux kernel
Marcus> and huge chunks of GNU code as Lignux because that is what
Marcus> they are.  What is rude is trying to bury this fact.
Marcus> Maintainers of popular GNU packages do a fair amount of
Marcus> testing before release.  It is common when beta-testing these
Marcus> packages to get reminders from the maintainers that it is
Marcus> useful to test them using the native environment, because they
Marcus> are quite distinct.  My environment on the SGI I usually use
Marcus> is as much free software as it Irix stuff, and I think of it
Marcus> that way.

	So, I guess that makes it SGnuI Irix? ;-) (I know, this is
unfair, but I couldn't resist this.  I really don't want to discuss
this seriously, I have more important things to do, like feeding my

The devil would be the best way out as an excuse for God ... But even
so, one can hold God responsible for the existence of the Devil.  %%
Manoj Srivastava               Systems Research Programmer, Project Pilgrim,
Phone: (413) 545-3918                A143B Lederle Graduate Research Center,
Fax:   (413) 545-1249         University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003
<srivasta@pilgrim.umass.edu> <URL:http://www.pilgrim.umass.edu/%7Esrivasta/>

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