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Re: dpkg, ELF, upgrade order, broken systems

cas@muffin.pronet.com (Craig Sanders)  wrote on 24.01.96 in <[🔎] Pine.LNX.3.91.960124114916.17584A-100000@confest.taz.net.au>:

> Without a simple upgrade mechanism like this we can all count on getting
> a LOT of messages along the lines of "HELP: I just upgraded to ELF and
> didn't bother following the instructions and now my system doesn't work!
> What's wrong???"

Keep in mind that people *will* try to install the new system with the old  

A (partial?) solution might be something like this:

* nearly everything depends directly or indirectly on libc5
* libc5 depends on elf-base-installed
* elf-base-installed is not provided directly by any package, but hacked  
into the database by an update script, or by a special feature of a new  
dselect, or whatever

This means that unless you upgrade dselect first (or do whatever else is  
the README way of doing the upgrade), the old dselect will simply refuse  
to install the packages.

It might be wise to chose the name of the non-available package so as to  
give the user some hint what's missing.

MfG Kai

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