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Re: S/Key - copyright question - coordination with other packages

patrick@kulnet.KULeuven.ac.be (Patrick Weemeeuw)  wrote on 20.01.96 in <[🔎] 199601201637.RAA29422@amber.kulnet.kuleuven.ac.be>:

> 2. Integration with other packages
> - ----------------------------------
> I have taken the S/Key sources from the logdaemon package of Wietse
> Venema.  This logdaemon package provides several security enhanced
> system programs (login, rlogind, rshd, ftpd, telnetd, keysu, ...),
> some of which support S/Key.
> Rather than increasing the complexity of the Debian distribution by
> debianising the whole logdaemon package (which would provide
> alternative versions of many daemons), I have decided to limit myself
> to debianising only the S/Key library with its utilities.
> In a later stage I will try to provide source level patches for S/Key
> support, cleanly contained in #ifdef constructs, for some other
> utilities (i.e.  for those programs where I need the S/Key support
> myself).  The maintainers of these other packages might or might not
> integrate these patches into their source tree, or I could distribute
> the patches with the S/Key library.  Anyway, enabling support for the
> S/Key library for some package, will require the user to recompile
> that package (with some other options specified).
> At all cost I want to avoid the situation I had previously with a
> commercial Unix, where I had to replace many system utilities, every
> time again for each OS upgrade, and never feeling quite sure that this
> intervention wouldn't cause any problems.

There is currently an effort underway to implement PAM for Linux; this is  
a system which supports changing password handling via a configuration  
file and (dld) loadable modules and/or shared libraries, and which has a  
common interface for all such modules. That means you need only one source  
and one binary for programs like login, telnetd, passwd etc.

This sounds like the perfect solution to integrate this stuff.


Mailing List linux-pam@mit.edu (For subscription, ask Theodore Ts'o  

MfG Kai

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