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ELF svgalib questions

Has anyone produced something describing the packaging structure we
should be using for ELF shared libraries?

I want to start work on the ELF version of the svgalib package soon.
As far as I can see, the way this is being done for most packages is
something like this:

		a.out version
		ELF shared libraries
		ELF static libraries, include files, etc

Is that right?  Which should the contents of /usr/doc go in?  If my
understanding of dpkg is correct then putting it in two packages risks
it being removed when you remove just one of the packages.

In the case of svgalib there are a couple of configuration files to
think about.  Is it reasonable to put them in both the ELF shared
library package and in the a.out package, or should I invent a new
base package?

Alternatively I could put them in the ELF shared library package and
make the a.out one depend on it.  (Actually I quite like this one.)

What about backwards compatibility in Depends: lines?  I assume that
the a.out package should have `Provides: svgalib'.  Should there be
any other Provides: lines?

Richard Kettlewell richard@uk.geeks.org http://www.elmail.co.uk/staff/richard/

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