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Re: elf, a.out and debian 1.*

What exactly does it mean to ``support both ELF and a.out'' ?  I don't
think anyone has suggested making a system that is incapable of
running a.out binaries.  Every system, practically, will be a mixed
ELF and a.out installation.  Who's not going to run an a.out netscrape
(as much as I dislike it)?  So I guess you mean ``support a.out ONLY
systems, as well as mixed ELF and a.out systems''?

If that's what you meant, I don't think it's a good idea.  If that's
not what you meant, could you clarify?  I don't understand how the
under-construction release 1.1 doesn't support a.out enough.  

As I can attest first-hand, upgrading willy-nilly from a.out to ELF
can cause problems.  A few packages have to be upgraded in a
particular order, and you have to make sure that your kernel has
built-in support for ELF.  But with even sketchy release notes,
this is a non-issue.  If worse comes to worst, the Debian folks could 
make an upgrade package that does the right thing in the right order to 
get ELF kernel, init, and libc[45] installed.  After that, ELF 
packages are no different from a.out ones to a user. 

Bill Gribble

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