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Re: Bug#2182: perl shouldn't touch /usr/local

In message <[🔎] 199601190632.BAA24180@deimos.mars.org>, Robert Leslie writes:

>Perl creates a directory /usr/local/lib/site_perl/i486-linux, but FSSTND says,
>about /usr/local:
>  [...]
>  This directory should always be empty after first installing Linux.  No
>  exceptions to this rule should be made other than the listed directory
>  stubs.
>  [...]

Where, then, would the FSSSTND have me put CGI.pm (a piece of Perl
code that is not part of the standard perl distribution, likely never
will be, yet I need on just about every system I work with)?

Is it really the opinion of the FSSTND group that it is better for me
to have to hack a script to examine @INC than for the distribution to
go to the trouble of pointing out where I can put local extensions so
they will be treated in a sensible fashion?

If the answer is yes, then we shouldn't pay terribly slavish attention
to something that is so obviously inconsiderate of the needs of real

And is no, then how does the FSSSTND group reconcile the obviously
contradictory nature of their two opinions?

"I thought I'd something more to say."

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