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Fwd: [Ultrastar-ng-devel] Performous 0.3.0 released

Just for the record, I'm taking care of this:


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vincent Le Ligeour <leligeour@ensiie.fr>
Date: 2008/11/3
Subject: [Ultrastar-ng-devel] Performous 0.3.0 released
To: ultrastar-ng-devel@lists.sourceforge.net


All the team is proud to announce the immediate availability of
Performous (formerly known as UltraStar-NG) 0.3.0 version.

After one year and more that 700 svn commits it is finally out.

The major new features are : (copy from the website announce)

   * Multiplayer with Singstar mics or any other stereo input
   * Dramatically improved performance, runs fine on very slow machines now
   * Fully OpenGL-based (some kind of 3D acceleration is now mandatory,
     but even Intel works fine)
   * Heavily pimped graphics in singing screen
   * Automatically zooming notelines in singing screen
   * Real widescreen support (adaptive layout instead of stretching or
   * Song folders are now scanned recursively, in the background
     without blocking the UI
   * Ingame and preview volume may be controlled
   * Audio roundtrip latency and audio/video sync controls added
   * New score window (still no highscores)
   * New menu theme song
   * Separate game engine thread, so that slow graphics rendering
     should no longer affect pitch detection
   * Our own audio library libda, supporting ALSA, Pulseaudio, JACK and
   * FFMPEG-based video and audio decoding (together with libda
     replaces Xine and GStreamer)
   * CMake-based build (Autotools are gone for good)
   * + too many others to list them all here

Big thanks to all the contributors and all the testers and all the
people involved in this release (and previous).

You can find useful informations here : http://performous.org/ on how to:

   * Why we change name / the new features
   * How to install the new games (from sources, Ubuntu deb files
     provided by the project, svn)
   * How to package Performous for your favorite distro

A 0.3.1 version is expected in the near future to fix the "few" issues
that this release could have (change from build chain to the graphics
and the sound engine...)

Please feel free to test it as much as you can and feedback any problem
or success you have on this mailing list or on the irc channel
(#performous on freenode).

The website: http://performous.org/
The source package:

Again big thanks to everybody that make releasing possible today
(especially Tronic)


PS: website is currently updating but should be quite up to date, please
report errors/typos/deadlinks

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