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Bits from the GNU/kFreeBSD porters

Hello, (GNU/Linux) world!

This is a status update for the Debian GNU/FreeBSD port[1]. This port  
consists of two architectures: kfreebsd-i386 and kfreebsd-amd64.


 * We have an up-to-date toolchain (including java on both 
   architectures) and most of the core Debian packages are in good 

 * GNU/kFreeBSD kernel and related utilities are currently based
   on FreeBSD 7.0 stable release (released in February 2008).

 * Two independent unofficial buildds are up and building both
   unstable and experimental for both kfreebsd-i386 and 
   kfreebsd-amd64. Build logs are available at [2], packages 
   status are available at [3].

 * There are two DD-accessible porting machines running GNU/kFreeBSD:
   io.debian.net (kfreebsd-i386) and asdfasdf.debian.net
   (kfreebsd-amd64). io has been upgraded earlier this year and should
   be way faster now. See [4] and [5] to know how to access them.

 * For kfreebsd-i386, over 85% source packages have been built,
   kfreebsd-amd64 is slightly behind kfreebsd-i386 here.
   At about 95% of ever-built packages are up-to-date.
   See end of [6], [7] and [8].

 * We want to be in official archive, see #369797,

 * We would like to be an official release architecture,
   for Lenny we do not fulfill some criteria [9].

 * Since the beginning of the year both kfreebsd-i386 and kfreebsd-amd64
   are hosted (archive and wanna-build) on debian-ports [10].

Short term plans (lenny)

Currently we have a reasonable subset of lenny packages [11], but the  
number of unmerged patches [12] is still too high. It seems doing real  
Lenny release would be difficult. We plan to release at least snapshot
of Sid in time of Lenny release (as we did for the Etch release) for
both kfreebsd-i386 and kfreebsd-amd64. It is not yet decided, whether
it would be based on FreeBSD 7.0 or FreeBSD 7.1 (upstream schedule
declared for August 2008).

We need your help

 * as an ftp-master, could you please take a look at #369797.

 * as a d-i maintainer, please could help us. Unfortunately,
   we miss insight in this area.

 * as a package maintainer, could you please look at BTS whether there
   is already a kfreebsd submission and integrate it. In many cases, it
   is sufficient to (auto)update config.sub/config.guess [13] or use
   recent libtool [14]. Do not hesitate to ask on 
   debian-bsd@lists.debian.org. Having the package in unstable is 
   sufficient for us.

 * as an MUer, please could you look at kfreebsd submission in BTS
   (in addition to usual translations). In most cases, the fix
   is really simple.

Aurelien Jarno on behalf of

The Debian GNU/kFreeBSD porters

 [1] http://wiki.debian.org/Debian_GNU/kFreeBSD
 [2] http://buildd.debian-ports.org/
 [3] http://buildd.debian-ports.org/status/
 [4] http://io.debian.net/ssh
 [5] http://asdfasdf.debian.net/ssh
 [6] http://wiki.debian.org/ArchiveQualification/kfreebsd-i386
 [7] http://wiki.debian.org/ArchiveQualification/kfreebsd-amd64
 [8] http://buildd.debian-ports.org/stats/graph2-quarter-big.png
 [9] http://release.debian.org/lenny/arch_qualify.html
[10] http://www.debian-ports.org
[11] http://glibc-bsd.alioth.debian.org/NOTES
[12] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?tag=kfreebsd;users=glibc-bsd-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org;pri0=pending:pending,forwarded,pending-fixed,fixed;ttl0=Outstanding,Forwarded,Pending%20Upload,Fixed%20in%20NMU;pri1=pending%3dpending%2btag%3dwontfix,pending%3dpending%2btag%3dmoreinfo,pending%3dpending%2btag%3dpatch,pending%3dpending%2btag%3dconfirmed,pending%3dpending;ttl1=Will%20Not%20Fix,More%20information%20needed,Patch%20Available,Confirmed,Unclassified;ord1=2,3,4,1,0,5
[13] http://glibc-bsd.alioth.debian.org/outdated.cfg
[14] http://glibc-bsd.alioth.debian.org/outdated.cfg

  .''`.  Aurelien Jarno	            | GPG: 1024D/F1BCDB73
 : :' :  Debian developer           | Electrical Engineer
 `. `'   aurel32@debian.org         | aurelien@aurel32.net
   `-    people.debian.org/~aurel32 | www.aurel32.net

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