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expiry announcement

My gratitude to Branden Robinson for help in constructing this message in a
form that will hopefully be clear to all.

*** SNIP HERE ***

Per section A.5 ("Expiry") of the constitution, both John Goerzen's General
Resolution regarding non-free, and Anthony Towns's amendment thereto, have
expired.  The recent vote was conducted in error, and its ballots are
hereby voided and the results have not been tabulated.

The entirety of section A.5 reads as follows:

  If a proposed resolution has not been discussed, amended, voted
  on or otherwise dealt with for 4 weeks then it is considered to have been

See <http://www.debian.org/devel/constitution>.

The current Project Secretary has long regarded debian-vote as the only
mailing list or forum in which consitutional activity of this sort is
recognized.  Quoting <http://www.debian.org/vote/howto_proposal>:

  When you've completed your proposal, send it to the debian-vote mailing
  list or directly to secretary@debian.org (who will bounce it to -vote
  anyway). Proposals will not be recognized to any other mailing list or
  email address. This is to prevent the Project Secretary from missing a
  proposal in the huge volumes of mail generaged on some of our lists and to
  prevent him from having to subscribe to each and every list created by the
  Project. Sponsors must also be sent to the debian-vote list or to
  secretary@debian.org in order to be recognized as valid.

The following factual review supports the finding of expiry:

* John Goerzen's General Resolution saw a Call for Votes on 7 June.
* Anthony Towns's amendement saw a Call for Votes on 7 July.
* Both the General Resolution and the amendment were discussed heavily on
  debian-vote through the month of June and into early July, after which
  discussion was sporadic.  The last message in July that was even modestly
  germane to the proposals was made by Hamish Moffatt on 19 Jul
* From 27 July to 23 August, there was no traffic on -vote at all.
* The only messages in August had to do not with the subject matter of the
  General Resolution, but rather when we were ever going to have a vote on
* The list fell into silence again, broken by a message from the Project
  Secretary on 22 September.

The smallest estimate of downtime is 20 July to 22 August, a period of 34

There are larger estimates of downtime that would disregard extremely
marginal posts made to -vote.

It may be helpful to refer to
to confirm this representation of the factual record.

*** SNIP HERE ***

Please cc all mailing list replies to me, also.
* http://benham.net/index.html        <gecko@benham.net>           <><  *
* Debian:                             Software in the Public Interest:  *
*   Project Secretary                   Treasurer                       *
*   Webmaster Team                                                      *
*   BTS Team                          siteROCK:                         *
*   Lintian Team                        Linux Infrastructure Engineer   *

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