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Re: gif2png package?

On Sat, Nov 06, 1999 at 09:29:56AM -0600, John Goerzen wrote:
> Let's be patient.  0.99 is barely a month old and in that time the
> package has gone to 2.0 with little new features.  Therefore I have
> not seen any particular urgency in getting it up and have instead been 
> focusing on other tasks.  That said, I did upload it yesterday.
> -- John

Hehehe...thats kewl.  Just thought I'd offer my work if you were interested...
(and I thought it would be nice to have the 2.0 series in before the freeze,
specially with all the "gif-burning" that is being encouraged :)  Normally
I'd be far more patient...I guess its the whole freeze fever....


            Linux, because I'd like to *get there* today
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