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Re: The freeze, Nethack, and Y2K compliance

Ben Gertzfield <che@debian.org> writes:

> >>>>> "Marcus" == Marcus Brinkmann <Marcus.Brinkmann@ruhr-uni-bochum.de> writes:
>     Marcus> Are the log files of nethack evaluated by any program? In
>     Marcus> other words, what breaks if it starts to wrap around? If
>     Marcus> only human read this, there is not a problem.
> Only Nethack evaluates them (and possibly any external log
> parser programs that I don't know about).. I haven't actually
> tested all the effects of the wraparound..

If I remember correctly, the game will break when it tries to read the
record file to come up with the name of a ghost to insert into the
game at some point.

I created this entry in my record file after setting my date to 31
March 2001 (a `normal' entry comes before it):

3.2.2 659 2 3 3 0 42 1 991029 991029 1000 RM Rodnet,killed by a gnome lord
3.2.2 536 2 5 5 -4 30 1 1010331 1010331 1000 RM Rodnet,killed by a dwarf

The start date and end date fields (`1010331') are too big:  

104        536  00 RM Rodn-1 died in The Gnomish Mines on level 5.
                Killed by a dwarf.                -  [30]

I wasn't able to confirm any gameplay bugs, but that certainly does
not mean they're not there.

Bear in mind that Slash'em has already fixed this bug, you may get
some mileage from mailing the author of the patch for it (kevin hugo,

Alternatively, just mail the DevTeam and ask.

[My suggestion is to apply the patch from Kevin Hugo; Kevin's code is
usually quite good and there is thus probably a good chance his code
or some variation will become the solution for the problem.]

``If remarks are passed that are unpleasant in the instant, you   ____  
will see that context can make them something between droll and   \ _/__
riotously funny.  If things are said that are painfully true,      \X  /
then it is only passing truth and will change.'' -- Hannibal Lecter  \/ 

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