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Re: Debian's GDB still can't handle threads! (or Ada!)

On 27/10, Vincent Renardias wrote:

| If you want ada support in gdb, please make it work in the current
| (4.18) version. Forking (gdb-4.17, gdb-ada, gdb-ja,
| gdb-I-was-too-lazy-to-port-to-patch-to-the-most-recent-gdb, etc...) is
| *NOT* acceptable.
| Patches are welcome, Whinings and package forks aren't.

There is no question on lazyness on my side: *you* decided to update GDB
to 4.18 when this version got released, without checking that no
functionality got lost:

gdb (4.18-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version!

 -- Vincent Renardias <vincent@waw.com>  Thu, 22 Apr 1999 17:35:41 +0200

gdb (4.17.19981224-3.m68k.objc.threads.hwwp.fpu.gnat) unstable; urgency=low

  * Upgrade to new code.
  * Apply HJL's -> patch.
  * Fix #30463.

 -- Vincent Renardias <vincent@waw.com>  Mon, 18 Jan 1999 23:38:36 +0100

I can understand your enthusiasm in using the very latest release, but
it broke the Ada support. I am not in a position to hack GDB itself to
make the Ada patch fit into it, I maintain the GNAT compiler package which
is a completely different story.

I sent you the latest version of the Ada patch just after you upgraded to
GDB 4.18 as you requested it. If you cannot apply it to the latest GDB,
fine, I won't even try to insist (I know, from the authors of this
patch, that porting it to 4.18 is not an easy task as GDB internals have
changed). I do not understand how you can object to something that is
not a fork at all, but a preservation of past capabilities. I haven't seen
you objecting the presence of the libc5 compatibility packages for

As far as I can read, noone is whining, we are looking for a solution to
allow Ada programmers to use GDB on Debian in an Ada-friendly manner,
that's all. Having an old version of GDB with extra capabilities under
the name "gnatgdb" will not change anything for the package you maintain!

Of course, when Ada Core Technologies, the authors of the Ada patch,
will switch to GDB 4.18, I will send you the proper patch so that gnatgdb
can be removed from the distribution.

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