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Updates for Stable (Was Re: APT 0.3.7 slink packages at netgod.net; potato packages in archive)

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>>>>> "Ben" == Ben Gertzfield <che@debian.org> writes:

    Ben> Packages for APT 0.3.7 built for the 'slink' (Debian 2.1, based on GNU
    Ben> libc 2.0) distribution have been uploaded to netgod.net, and are
    Ben> available at:

    Ben> http://netgod.net/x/apt_0.3.7slink0_i386.deb
    Ben> http://netgod.net/x/libapt-pkg-dev_0.3.7slink0_i386.deb
    Ben> http://netgod.net/x/libapt-pkg-doc_0.3.7slink0_i386.deb

I'd really wish for this to be in a more official place...

Not that all the mirrors would have to carry it.  Or that I don't
trust netgod to keep this online...

But having some `unproposed-updates' or similar on ftp.debian.org
would be a wonderful service to the users of stable... and would make
debian even better than it is.

Of course, something along "We provide this only as a service to our
users, with the understanding that we didn't test stable plus these
upgrades as well as stable alone."

Bye, J

- -- 
Jürgen A. Erhard      eMail: jae@ilk.de      phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
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