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Re: Bug#39823: tetex-bin: Texinfo tools should have their own package =(

> Consider this error message that texi2dvi output when there is no tex:
> texi2dvi: tex: command not found
> texi2dvi: tex exited with bad status, quitting.
> When a normal user sees that error, he'll file a grave bug against
> texinfo immediately. :) To avoid that, there is the Recommends: field
> - you'll get tetex-bin by default, but you can skip it if you decide
> to do so.

 I don't agree with that as a reason for a recommends. Most users will
probably don't need that functionality, and you are making the default case
having them downloading the huge TeX disrtibution. You could easily add a
simple test to the code and print a more informative warning...

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