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Adding a global UID/GID?


What is the procedure for getting a UID in the 0-99 range added to Debian?


I've noticed in the course of setting up a CVS pserver that it is not
very easy on Debian, and the default is not secure.  I would like to
either work with the existing cvs maintainer (Tom Lees) to change the
package or else create an add-on package similar to cvsd on freshmeat.
In particular, what I would like to see is to have the cvs pserver run
under its own UID/GID (as opposed to root).  Also, running in a chroot
environment would be desirable.  Support scripts for easily adding/removing
non-system-account cvs users is also a goal.

So, the question is:
Should this be done with a cvsd.cvsd user in the 0-99 range, or should
it use a dynamically assigned UID (100-999)?  I noticed we already have
users like "irc" and "msql" in the 0-99 range.

Democracy is the worst form of government except all those other
forms that have been tried from time to time.
		-- Winston Churchill

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