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Bug#36151: debian-policy

A few of the users who responded to my note on debian-devel regarding this
said that this is really a policy issue (section 4.4) and that the policy
says nothing about it.

End result? I'll make the argument that if I change the default system
PATH to not include necessary directories, I've broken lots of the scripts
in /etc/init.d and the system might not even start-up properly.

That should NOT happen, and these scripts should not rely on the
system-wide PATH set in /etc/profile /etc/environment or /etc/csh.cshrc
(or any other file) and should either be setting their own PATHs or
calling the program directly with a full-directory listing (such as

Brock Rozen                                              brozen@torah.org
Director of Technical Services                              (410)358-9800
Project Genesis                                     http://www.torah.org/ 

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