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Re: "Social Contract GR's Affect on sarge" or "Debian commits suicide"

On Fri, Apr 30, 2004 at 06:50:38PM +0200, Josselin Mouette wrote:
> It would have been rather hard to have the ballot evaluate the
> consequences of the change on the RM's interpretation of the social
> contract.

If the RM never made it clear, during the discussion of the GR, that its
passing would force him to do what he did, and that he didn't find the
changes to be editorial, I'd be somewhat confused.  (I didn't follow the
GR on debian-vote, though; I only know its background on d-devel and
d-legal.)  I'm assuming this was an accidental lack of communications.

I think the most productive thing to do at this point is to do what's needed
to get the release moving again; it looks like Steve Langasek's GR is moving.

I do think the results of the GR draw a clear conclusion: the vast active
majority of the project either agreed with the GR, or thought the changes
were so uninteresting (being merely nonfunctional, editorial changes) it
wasn't worth spending time on.  The number of people who voted against
this change seems somewhat consistent with the number of people I see
trying to narrow the definition of "software"--very small.

(Of course, that's all just my interpretation, and an oversimplification;
there are probably also, for example, people who don't want to make trivial
editorial changes to founding documents, and people who don't want to make
changes of any kind.)

Glenn Maynard

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