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Re: Debian and Novell

Gürkan Sengün <gurkan@linuks.mine.nu> writes:

> vmware has made some questionaire they sent to lug presidents
> (anyone else got that?)
> http://www.linuks.mine.nu/people/vmware/
> in their questionaire (.pdf) they don't have debian mentioned
> but some other distros. i didn't yet recieve an answer why
> they don't support debian.

VMware may not officially support Debian but several of its
internal developers (including me, though I'm only a part-time
contractor) use it, so VMware actually runs just fine on Debian.
You can even make .deb packages that work perfectly well (at
least the ones I've tried) via `alien --scripts --to-deb'.
Ben Pfaff <blp@cs.stanford.edu>
CS140 teaching assistant, Winter 2004
CS140 webpage: http://www.stanford.edu/class/cs140

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