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Re: Debian Debconf Translation proposal ( again )

Colin Watson writes:

>> OK, the problem of filing bugs on every individual package, and
>> praying they get accepted, remains.

> Don't pray that they get accepted. Take the initiative and NMU in
> the usual way after some suitable period. Everyone else doing
> general work on our packages has to do exactly the same thing; what
> gives translators a different status?

Basically because there is a better alternative for translators.  For
other people doing "general work", there often isn't any.  If you
think there is, feel free to propose that as a separate proposal,
instead of trying to discourage this one.

I mean, how can you really see this as a valid argument against the
proposal.  I have indicated real and fundamental problems with the
current approach, a new system, with real and proven advantages, and
all you say here is "I don't like to change.  Furthermore, in
completely different situations, we also use NMUs".  Please provide
arguments based on advantages and disadvantages of the proposed


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