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debian package available

Hi all.

I have just put together a debian package for supercollider. 

You can download it at http://piem.homeip.net/~piem/debian/ 
or put these lines in your /etc/apt/sources.list to apt-get it:

deb     http://piem.homeip.net/~piem/debian binary/
#deb-src http://piem.homeip.net/~piem/debian source/

It is a first test version. You will need to do the following 
things to have it fully working :
 - create a $HOME/.sclang.cfg (content below) 
 - define SC_LIB with something like say:
$ export SC_LIB=/usr/src/SuperCollider

Let me know if you have any suggestions for improvement.

Cheers, piem


# file:         ~/.sclang.cfg (from stefan kersten)
# content:      supercollider library setup file



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