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Re: Bug#176267: ITP: mplayer -- Mplayer is a full-featured audioand video player for UN*X like systems

On Mon, 27 Jan 2003 17:41, Gabucino wrote:
> It seems so, just as MPlayer won't be included into Debian. I think it is
> unfortunate to disable media playing by default in one of the biggest Linux
> distributions in 2003, just because maybe some patent holder _may_ come and
> sue. I do understand your viewpoint. I just don't agree with it.

Why does this have to be a problem?  If mplayer doesn't go in Debian then 
someone creates their own apt repository in some country with suitable laws 
(Hungary?) and then everyone who wants to use it can get it.  It won't get 
the same publicity as a package in Debian but it'll do for most people.

> Here you go: uhulinux.hu
> You can even use its .uhu packages in debian :) (it's .deb)
> And it's the official Hungarian Linux distribution.

Why do they rename .deb to .uhu?

Maybe they can host an apt repository for mplayer.

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