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Re: Why are new package versions depending on libc6 in unstable?

On Thu, Nov 21, 2002 at 07:43:32AM -0500, Michael Stone wrote:
> I think you misparsed. "a lot of people don't have the skills to fix a
> given bug" is seperate from people lacking hardware to fix other given
> bugs. 

I don't have any desire to get into a semantic argument about this.

The philosophy behind testing is to get Debian into a state where it has
zero bugs, and to keep it there. If we don't do this, then at release
time, we get huge long lists of bugs we suddenly realise we have to fix,
and spend the next N months working on them while what the distro we built
gets more and more out of date, and we all get more and more frustrated.

That means when we're working on things like glibc we need to do some
development, then fix the bugs we introduce. We've -- and I mean *we*,
not just the glibc maintainers -- screwed this up twice now. Our choices
are to add huge amounts of extra complexity to the buildds against the
better judgement of the guys maintaining them, or to fix the bugs that're
causing the problem.

> People have different areas of expertise and interest, [...]

Yes. I'm more inclined to listen to the people who've demonstrated that
they do have the interest and expertise to solve problems, than those
who haven't.

> (Put another way, why haven't *you*
> fixed those bugs, since you seem to have already researched them...)

Because I have other things to do. Since I haven't been helping, I've
also been doing my best to resist whining about it, though. My "research"
consisted of having a quick look at http://bugs.debian.org/src:glibc and
seeing if the first few bugs appeared on i386, btw.


Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
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