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Re: Bad signature, was: Re: Need a stable NMU'er please ...

> Does anyone _not_ get 'BAD signature' for Elie's mails?

I don't get it. But that's just because I don't have Elie's public key.
(I think the developer key package is a little behind. I don't have many
keys that show up on the list.)

Theodore Reed (rizen/bancus)   -==-   http://surreality.us:8080/~rizen/
~GPG/PGP Signed/Encrypted Mail Preferred; Finger me for my public key!~

"Love is the law, love under will. Nor let the fools mistake love; for
there are love and love. There is the dove, and there is the serpent.
Choose ye well!" -- Liber AL vel Legis, 1:57

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Description: PGP signature

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