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mirroring question

Hello all,

I used the sample script posted to the "POSSIBLE BUG : some woody packages coming from potato and not pool?" thread by Colin Watson. I am able to mirror at home the us/non-US and security sections using this sample. There were a few mods required to get stable and testing too but all is working well.

It's amazing how fast you can make a new woody/sarge/sid box over a lan!

The question I have is, how can I get a mirror copy over http only? There are a couple of apt-get'able archives I use parts of and would like to mirror them as well for my own use. The problem is, they only allow http access. I have tried wget in "mirror" mode but I have yet to be able to keep it from wandering outside of the specific section I want to mirror. It also gets all the possible index versions (Apache index sorted by each possible thing) and just makes thing rather cluttered.

I just want to pull a copy of these packages just like they sit in the apt-get'able directory structure so I don't have to re-create the Packages[.gz] files and such...

I assume that I missed something easy here so if you know of the howto or something, just hit me over the head with the link...


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