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Re: list of package which still do not have Build-Depends line and depend on other things than build-essential

On 15 May 2002 14:06:26 -0400
Mark Eichin <eichin@thok.org> wrote:

> A pointer to what these dependencies *are* might help... 

That would be hard to determine, and most probably requires manual intervention.

> doesn't need
> to be a full list, just a quick "if my package is on this list, how
> did it get there, and what determined that."  (for the one of mine
> there, it's probably the use of debstd (debmake) but I'd like to know
> for sure...)

How did it get there:

I have been doing runs of pbuilder against every Debian source packages.
The ones which had no build-depends, and failed to build from source
are listed here. (i.e. the ones which had no build dependency listed and succeeded
to build from source with only the build-essentials are not listed here)

pbuilder is a tool to create a clean chroot, and try to build with
the minimal build dependencies provided by the package.


dancer@debian.org  http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer

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