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Re: no changes file

"David H. Askew" <dhaskew@arches.uga.edu> writes:

>   and fakeroot debian/rules binary, but neither produces a .changes
>   file!

Again, what's the output from dpkg-buidpackage ?

>   .. only errors/complaints reported from either process involve my lack
> of a pgp private key and ... which hasn't been generated... and ..

If your output ends with something like 

gpg: skipped `Toto le Héro <toto@le-hero.org>': secret key not available
gpg: [stdin]: clearsign failed: secret key not available

then your problem is that even if you have a ~/.gnupg/secring.gpg
(i.e. an empty one created by gpg), dpkg-buildpackage can't find any
valid private key.  Either make a valid one, or use -uc and -us
options with dpkg-buildpackage.

> dpkg-gencontrol: warning: unknown substitution variable
> ${shlibs:Depends}
> ..which is related to a depends line in the control file which I still
> don't understand... but it was suggested that I leave the line in, by
> the documentation....

You need it to automagically find binary dependencies.  This script
looks for executables and shared librairies, if there is no such file,
it won't produce any output.  If your package doesn't contain any
binary or shared librairy, you don't need that.

   I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Academy for...
oops, wrong show.
		-- M-x info gnus

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