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Re: inappropriate racist and other offensive material

>>"Evan" == Evan Prodromou <evan@debian.org> writes:

 Evan> Hell, we can get into the politics of racist, homophobe, and sexist
 Evan> jokes, if you want to -- it's pretty interesting stuff.


 Evan> But in any event, "it's just a joke, have a sense of humor," is
 Evan> a pretty weak and lame excuse for dumping one's ignorance and
 Evan> insecurity all over the ground.

	*Nod*. I have felt that way about organized religion for a while.

 Evan> Anyone who thinks a joke is _just_ a joke is kidding
 Evan> themselves. Jokes are powerful and destructive things.

	Words are powerful and destructive. Heck, ideas are powerful
 and destructive things. Are we into banning ideas now? 

 Evan> And, the fact is, people who use this kind of slur, "even as a joke",
 Evan> come off looking like idiotic knuckleheads.

	Yup, that's the danger of speech. But I defend the
 knuckleheads right to be as knuckheaded as they can be.

 Evan> I would advocate that maintainers can do whatever the hell they want
 Evan> with their packages, staying within the bounds of the license
 Evan> specified by the upstream authors. 

	Hallelujah, brother.

 I was gratified to be able to answer promptly, and I did. I said I
 didn't know. Mark Twain
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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