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Re: Getting libboost into testing

On Thu, Jan 31, 2002 at 04:36:09PM -0500, David A. Greene wrote:
> Something is messed up with libboost and testing/update_excuses.
> update_excuses lists a "boost" package but no such package
> appears in the package database.  libboost_dev appears in the
> database along with other Boost-related libraries.

The source package is named "boost".

> Furthermore, update_excuses says "boost" has only been in
> the archive for 4 days, when I'm sure it's by now well passed
> the required 10 days for consideration for moving into woody.
> What's up?
That would be my fault for uploading a new revision last weekend.
There are no outstanding RC bugs, so I assume it will get into
testing in due time.

One thing worries me: the old boost package built a whole bunch
of shared libs.  The new one does not.  Is the testing script going
to throw a fit that those packages will no longer be buildable from


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by Airplane to the Rocket,
by Taxi to the Airport,
by Frontdoor to the Taxi,
by throwing back the blanket and laying down the legs ...
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