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Re: woody: Remaining RC bugs in base system

Hi, there!

On 27 Jan 2002, Sam Hartman wrote:
> There have been several past discussions of this here, including mail
> from aj.  The consensus of those discussions is that libraries MUST
> NOT change in incompatible ways (soname change, ABI change) once
> frozen.  Aj actually made a stronger statement and said that people
> should not upload base or standard libraries at all once they were
> frozen (presumably unless they were also sending the library to
> woody-proposed-updates or semthing).
> So a new ncurses should not have been uploaded, especially if it is
> incompatible, unless it is targeted for woody.

Now that all packages get compiled against ncurses 5.2.20020112a-1, what
should we be doing?  Wait the remaining 16 days (frozen is double delay)?

Heck, if somebody messes up because he uploads something that causes
problems all over the place, we start throwing PRs at his/her package.
Does this help?  There seems to be no way to get it out again for further
review, once it is in testing?

Another example is #130914, a complete show-stopper -- it has not (yet)
been marked RC but it makes the whole bison package totally useless for
anybody using it from C++.  IMNSHO, the old version should be resurrected.

Richard B. Kreckel

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