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Re: Thoughts on network detection and configuration on Debian

Previously Brian May wrote:
> Now if each step could be standardised, so users can plug their most
> desired modules in each step, things could be really great!

On my laptop I'm doing 2) by having a /etc/dhcp.d/ directory with a
bunch of small scripts that do little things. They get their
configuration from the environment since that makes things a lot
easier for me and because dhclient already supports that interface.

At the moment I use it to configure via dhcp (or partially hardcoded
of I use ppp since it doesn't support the range of options that dhcp

* the usual network settings (addresses, netmasks, routes)
* hostname
* resolv.conf
* proxy server
* smtp smarthost

I run run-scripts over that from the dhclient-script and ppp/ip-{up,down}
scripts and it seems to work just fine. 


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