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Re: apache non-free?

Ben Collins <bcollins@debian.org> writes:

> If they meant that modifying the source was a derivative, then they
> should spell that out. IMHO, a derivative is a completely new set of
> source, derived from the original. IOW, if I want to make a new web
> server made for clusters, and I create it using the apache source as a
> base, that is a derivative.

I don't think what they meant would really matter if they wanted to
push it.

> If what they meant was that modifying the source, even the
>slightest, meant you could not say it was apache anymore, then they
>would have said that. Modifying and deriving are two different
> I can modify my house, and it is still the same house. I can derive a
> new house using the plans of the old one, perhaps even using the same
> land and foundation, but that isn't modification.

If this is true, where do you draw the line?  When is enough
modification a derivative?  I can modify my house little by little and
in 10 years it is much different than the original, is it then a

Using this fuzzy line for a difference between a modification and a
derivative is dangerous, IMO.

Ryan Golbeck <rmgolbeck@uwaterloo.ca>
Computer Science
University Of Waterloo

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