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Re: [vhost-base] no, really this time [about new pkgs]

Hi Daniel,

		nice to see that you already made a new pkgs.
Here are some other comments ;)

The upgrade process is not smooth and it does not handle correctly
the config files of the old pkg. (really not a big deal yet since they are unofficial pkgs) but more import IMO is that if I purge the pkgs
all the /etc/apache2 directory should be removed.
AFAIK there are 2 ways in which pkgs can be removed. One in which the pkg is "removed" (- in dselect) and one in which the pkg is "purged"
(_ in dselect).
I have selected the second one but the config files are still there.

as usual: I might be wrong! but please can you check like other pkgs

handle this???

By the way. Cool to see /etc/apache2/mods-available... but it's empty :(
and modules is still there in place ehehhehe.


Debian GNU/Linux Unstable Kernel 2.4.15
fabbione on irc.atdot.it #coredump #kchat | fabbione@fabbione.net

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