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Debbugs: The Next Generation

After endlessly complaining about the poor performance and limited flexibility
of the current debbugs, I've started to work on improving it.  Specifically,
I'm doing a ground-up rewrite of the entire system with the following goals:

- Improved performance
- Flexible reporting
- Useful scripting API
- Proper MIME handling

In order to meet these goals, I'm taking the following approach:

- Relational (SQL) backend
- C++ core
- SWIG wrappers

Over the past week or so, I've built a prototype of the core and backend, and a
Perl script to import bugs in the current debbugs database.

What it can do so far:

- Successfully import my test set of about 6000 bugs, including most bug
  history data.

- Process all of the mailserver commands (reassign, severity, merge, unmerge,

- Perform basic reporting (the equivalent of pkgreport.cgi and bugreport.cgi)
  via simple command line tools

Initial results:

The import takes about 17 minutes on my modest system (PII/350), but once
everything is in the database, it screams (<1 second queries and updates).  It
will, of course, lose some performance with a database containing all available
bugs, but it should scale much better than the current setup, and I haven't
done any database optimization.

It also eliminates the duplicate message copies that the current debbugs seems
to store, so I disk space requirements appear to be greatly reduced as well.
For my test bugs, the text files are 298M and the database is 45M).  If my
sample bugs are an accurate representation of the rest of them, this would save
a few gigs of space on master.

The relational database should make it much easier and faster to do complex
reporting, and to add new types of data.  For example, the often-requested
"listen in" or "register interest" feature would be very easy to implement, as
would keyword searching (though I don't know how well PostgreSQL would handle
such a massive text query).

What is missing:

- SWIG interface definitions, to build the perl/python/whatnot API.  These will
  have to be substantially different from the C++ headers, since SWIG isn't
  even close to being able to parse them yet.

- Code to work with RFC822 messages (parse, munge, create)
  HELP: Is there a best-of-breed C/C++ library for this yet?  I'd like to avoid
  reinventing this particular wheel.  I think libmimelib from KDE might do
  this, and the next item

- I'll also need a MIME library, but that will mostly be used by the query
  HELP: does anyone have first-hand experience with libgmime or libmimelib?

- Maintainer lookup.  It would be great if this could be integrated with the
  database used for da-katie and friends, since I believe this data is already

- CGIs.  These will be a piece of cake, and could even be written in C++.

- Bugscan, etc.  These will probably want to use scripting languages, so those
  interfaces will have to exist first.


 - mdz

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