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Re: exploring debian's users and groups

Previously Robert van der Meulen wrote:
> Quoting Stephen Stafford (stephen@clothcat.demon.co.uk):
> > It is used so that unpriveleged users can be added to the group dialout 
> > and be able to use the modem devices, that is what I use it for here 
> > anyway.  I am afraid I don't recall if it was as simple as just adding 
> > the user to the group, or if I had to do some playing with permissions 
> > as well, sorry.  The group dip appears to have a similar function.  It 
> > is entirely possible that I added users to dialout, and when that 
> > didn't work added them to dip as well.  Curse my crap memory.
> Adding them to 'dialout' should be sufficient.

Bzzt, wrong. People in group dialout can access the serial port, but
they can't read the files with the dialin information such as chatscripts
that are needed.

> > I imagine similarly, although I don't use fax from this box.
> Similar to 'dialout' indeed.

Wrong again, giving access to the serial port is quite different from
allowing someone to only send/receive faxes. Compare it with allowing
people to use malloc and allowing people to manually tweak the kernel VM
structures. One is a good idea, the other is not.


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