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Re: permissions of tty devices

:-> "Wichert" == Wichert Akkerman <wichert@wiggy.net> writes:

    >> What does devpts without devfs give on recent kernels?

    > devfs doesn't affect devpts at all.

    >> Should I setup devfsd to default to changing the pseudo-tty devices to group 
    >> "tty"?

    > No, that won't do anything if you use devpts (which you should).

actually, kernel Configure.help says that devfs includes pts support,
and I have /dev/pts here without having devpts compiled in. I have the
same "mesg" complaint though, since the default behaviour of the
package was changed to "don't save ownership/permissions of pts devices". This
change has finally resolved the problem of wrong ownership of pts
devices, but has triggered the mesg warning.

Also, from devfs README:

"Note that you no longer need to mount devpts if you use Unix98 PTYs,
as devfs can manage /dev/pts itself. This saves you some RAM, as you
don't need to compile and install devpts. "



 Pierfrancesco Caci | ik5pvx | mailto:p.caci@tin.it  -  http://gusp.dyndns.org
  Firenze - Italia  | Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple Affairs 
     Linux penny 2.4.7 #1 Thu Jul 26 14:48:56 CEST 2001 i686 unknown

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