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Re: Is there a tool which keeps track of space on filesystems during install?

On Fri, May 25, 2001 at 02:08:07PM -0000, Pawel Wiecek wrote:

> On May 25,  3:37pm, Matthias Berse wrote:
> > filesystem and trigger warnings if it get's to full. Yes I know apt
> > tells me how much space will be used after install (or removal) of
> > packages, but it does not tell me how much on which filesystem and it
> It can't say more -- only the total installed size is stored inside .deb file
> (and Packages file).  Actually there's no way dpkg-buildpackage could
> calculate amount of space used on each filesystem in your particular setup
> (for obvious reasons) and if apt-get was supposed to calculate it -- well, it
> would have to download and unpack the file first...

This is untrue.  The .deb file contains all of the files that are to be
installed, not just the total installed size.  As such, a .deb could be used to
calculate disk space requirements before installation.

You are correct about Packages, though.

 - mdz

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