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Re: Install and RAID

Previously Adam McKenna wrote:
> This is a ridiculous discussion, IMHO.  Anyone who is serious about
> protecting their data buys a hardware RAID controller.  Software RAID is a
> hack, reserved for those few situations where someone wants to have raid but
> is unwilling to shell out the few hundred dollars for a decent controller --
> and you're saying we should make this the standard way of doing things?

The quality of software RAID is good enough that this is not true. In
fact software RAID has advantages for hardware RAID: it's cheaper, and
it will handle things like exchanging two disks in a RAID array
(hardware RAID tends to get really confused if you do that and will just
consider the swapped disks as new disks).


 /       Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool     \
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