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Re: What do you wish for in an package manager?

>>>>> "exa" == exa  <Eray> writes:

    exa> You need to devise a package description/configuration
    exa> language that is declarative rather than procedural.

    exa> What comes to my mind would be some sort of "logical
    exa> language", maybe something based on Prolog. That the
    exa> statements as your example would be implemented with it and
    exa> then the package interpreter would handle the "procedural"
    exa> aspects of upgrading.

Sounds like a good idea to me.

Just come up with a language that:

a) is not dangerous in anyway.
b) has the minimum features required for all packages.

This might not be possible for all packages (consider ssh which
automatically generates a key pair on initial installation). Perhaps a
chroot and/or non-root environment could be setup to handle these
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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