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Re: Boost Windows Reliability!!!!!

Robert van der Meulen <rvdm@cistron.nl> wrote:
>Quoting Bas Zoetekouw (bas@A-Es2.uu.nl):
>> Hmm, the debian lists get quite a lot of spam lately. Is there anything
>> that can be done about this?
>Close debian-devel for posting by non-subscribers, ask for volunteers who
>would like to 'moderate' debian-devel, and have them look at the rejected
>messages and accept them if on-topic. 
>Every mailing list i know has these functions, I was also wondering why we
>weren't using such a system ;)

Bleurgh. You really think this amount of work (when lots of *real* work
needs to be done) is worth it when debian-devel gets perhaps a couple of
spams a week?

Much more fun would be to try to enforce the fine on commercial
postings, and put the money towards machines, backup devices, publicity,
booths at trade fairs, whatever.

Colin Watson                                     [cjw44@flatline.org.uk]

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