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Re: GNU/Linux taxed in Poland ?! (fwd)

On 2000-11-13 17:12, Dariush Pietrzak wrote:
>> a licensed software for free that it means this software has a regular
>> price normally. And then they treats this software as a donation.
>that's  not why they taxed it - under polish law when your receive sth
>that you gain money with then you pay taxes for it.
>maybe lawyer should comment on this.
>btw, if you people have any decent job for me f.e. in czech republic
>i would love to go there

If you'd like to work in the Netherlands then reply to me off-list.

In the Netherlands the pay is better than most countries (I'm getting more 
than twice what I used to earn in Australia and I know that pay in Australia 
is better than Poland).  Also they have special tax deals for people who come 
from foreign countries because their employer couldn't find a Dutch person 
with the skills.  EVERYONE who has any significant computer skills qualifies.

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