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Re: Pcmcia and nfs

On 2000-10-12 10:55, Fabio Massimo Di Nitto wrote:
>	after last installation of my laptop I got a silly (maybe for me and
>for others) problem using nfs and pcmcia.
>During the halt or the reboot process of my laptop the pcmcia are killed
>before each
>network filesystem is unmounted. The problem is that umount take long
>time before
>it gets a connection timeout and I also think that it's not clean not to
>network partitions (it's only a personal opinion because my knowledge is
>not big
>enough to know if there can be a loss of data also if no file transfer
>is in act).

That is only part of the problem.  Also if you remove a PCMCIA card then the 
network will be physically gone but still mounted.  One solution is to search 
through /proc/mounts for the IP addresses of NFS servers, add these addresses 
to lo:0, lo:1, etc, then umount.  Your NFS server on your laptop will say 
that the mounts are invalid and they will be quickly umounted.

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