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Re: Debian boot system -- the output problem

How might the output problem be solved?

It's not hard to keep programs from clobbering each other's formatted
output [ideas below], but notifying the user of errors -- the only time
output is actually important -- becomes a DWIM problem, and it's somewhat
difficult to solve.

I see 4 ways to solve the output-clobber:

- abandon the multiprocessing idea.  (Blah.  I like it.)

- holding output until it can be atomically (not really true) written to
STDOUT.  We might capture a startup script's output until it exits, then 
echo it to the screen (and two sister echos are unlikely to clobber each
other, because they're so fast).  This makes the console wooden, because
there no pleasant feel of watching the processes start up _right_now_ --
everything you see is fait accompli.  

- send all output of each into:  a named pipe, with a program listening
on the other end that watches its input and arranges each's output on the
screen in a pleasing way (each line coming in would have to have a tag at
the beginning to indicate what it is, of course) 

- build the allocation-of-screen-space and arrangement-of-output into the
initmake/minimake program -- much easier, and much more elegant!  (So,
add curses to the dependancy list.)

Of course, I like the last one (because it's so hard to program).  Here's 
how I think it should look:  I don't pretend to offer how to program it, 

For each processes we're spawning, capture its output and allocate a line
initially for it, and keep track of it, growing the space (and moving
down lower entries as needed) as it uses it, up to some upper bound
determined by the number of siblings and screen size.  Upon completion,
visually mark it in some way as finished and about to be removed.  For a
similar program, consider the appearance of 'ytalk' running with several

						- chad

Chad Miller <cmiller@surfsouth.com>   URL: http://web.chad.org/   (GPG)
"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced".
First corollary to Clarke's Third Law (Jargon File, v4.2.0, 'magic')

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