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Re: Splitting locales and i18ndata from glibc into some sane packages

On Wed, Oct 04, 2000 at 08:04:16AM -0400, Ben Collins wrote:
> I want to split up the locales and i18ndata packages from glibc in to some
> more sanely sized packages. I'm not sure of two things:
> a) How much granularity? I've thought of doing this by continent (North
>    America, Europe, Asia, etc...). Does this make sense? I'm no geography
>    guru, so some help would be needed so I don't have to break out a world
>    map.
> b) Should i18n be grouped with the locales, or atleast have the locale and
>    i18n counterpart depend, recommend or suggest each other? How often do
>    people install one without the other?
> I'm hoping this will keep locale/i18n users from having to install ~20Megs
> (~7megs download) just to have one locale.

There's a bug open on kde-i18n for trying the same thing. As Joey points out,
these are all inefficent hacks instead of getting it right. 

For a), you would have one big package for Europe, two smaller packages
for Asia and South America, and the rest of the continents would only
have two or three locales. (en_US, en_CA, es_MX for North America, en_AU
for Austrila, etc.) 

b) What's i18ndata good for? I don't know why it's not left in the
source package. 

David Starner - dstarner98@aasaa.ofe.org
http/ftp: dvdeug.dhis.org
And crawling, on the planet's face, some insects called the human race.
Lost in space, lost in time, and meaning.
	-- RHPS

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