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HOWTO: Join the 6bone!

As some of you may know Debian has been getting 6bone feed to it's boxes,
I've set down and got everything worked out so that every developer may
now have 6bone access. It is very simple and makes use of the emerging
6to4 standard.

Here is the howto:

wakko{root}~#ip link set sit0 up
sit0      Link encap:IPv6-in-IPv4  
          inet6 addr: :: Scope:Unknown
          inet6 addr: :: Scope:Compat
          UP RUNNING NOARP  MTU:1480  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
>>> "%02x%02x:%02x%02x"%(24,108,209,98)
wakko{root}~#ip addr add 2002:186c:d162::1 dev sit0
wakko{root}~#ip -6 route add 2000::/3 via ::
wakko{root}~#ping6 -n master.ipv6.debian.org
PING master.ipv6.debian.org(3ffe:a00:e:2:240:33ff:fea6:8292) from 2002:186c:d162::1 : 56 data bytes
64 bytes from 3ffe:a00:e:2:240:33ff:fea6:8292: icmp_seq=0 time=220.5 ms

master{jgg}~#traceroute6 2002:186c:d162::1
traceroute6 to 2002:186c:d162::1 (2002:186c:d162::1) from 3ffe:a00:2:2::35,
30 hops max, 16 byte packets
 1  3ffe:a00:2:2::34 (3ffe:a00:2:2::34)  67.522 ms *  67.554 ms
 2  3ffe:aff:0:10::10 (3ffe:aff:0:10::10)  91.2 ms *  91.518 ms
 3  3ffe:80a::2 (3ffe:80a::2)  93.03 ms  103.025 ms  94.884 ms
 4  3ffe:a00:2:2::a (3ffe:a00:2:2::a)  173.299 ms *  243.009 ms
 5  3ffe:c00:e:4::1 (3ffe:c00:e:4::1)  188.693 ms  184.959 ms *
 6  2002:186c:d162::1 (2002:186c:d162::1)  218.681 ms  217.939 ms  216.905 ms

And that's it folks.

Another good test is to fire up mozilla > M17 and go to www.kame.net - if
all goes well you will see a dancing turtle and the bottom of the page
will say 'you are using IPv6' ;>

The debian boxes on the 6bone also all run ipv6 ssh if you want to give
that a spin..

The 2002 address is called a '6to4' address. Bits 16 to 48 are the hex
version of your IPv4 address. I use python to convert the dotted quad into
it's hex representation. You get a full /48 to play with routed to the IP
of the machine you picked. Master serves as a default route for outbound
traffic, it routes it onto the 6 bone for you. 

If you want to setup a full lan then stick something like this in

interface eth0
   AdvSendAdvert on;
   prefix 2002:186c:d162::0/64
      AdvOnLink on;
      AdvAutonomous on;         

radv will automatically configure eth0 of your machine with the proper
address and configure all other IPv6 capable machines on your ethernet
segment. The ip addr add step is optional if you do this, your machine
will have two IPs if you do it.

Several 6bone routers around the world support 6to4 so 6bone traffic to
you is automatically bridged onto the ipv4 network at locations close to
the 6bone originations.

Linux (AFAIK) does not 'support' 6to4 which means it cannot automatically
route 6to4 traffic over the ipv4 network. glibc also does not support it
which means some portions of the RFC is violated but thats OK for this
kind of use..

I'm going to try to get the debian.net mail gateway supporting ipv6
addresses so people can get DNS names and all..

This technique works for PPP dialups too! As long as you redo the steps at
each connection.

The only downside is that master is handling outbound traffic for
everyone. This is fine for experimenting with IPv6 - but if people begin
to send lots of traffic through I will make lots of noise and start
firewalling IPs :P

After pandora moves I think we will setup a similar gateway for people
in Europe.


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