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Re: [ot] <rant>grub is great!</rant>

>>"Andreas" == Andreas Tille <tillea@rki.de> writes:

 Andreas> Once I've noticed it I'm once more impressed of the power of
 Andreas> kernel-package. 
 Andreas> But it has to be
 Andreas>    image_dest=/boot/
 Andreas>                    ^

	No, It doesn't, if you happen to have the latest
 kernel-package. We now have the following code:
$image_dest = "$image_dest/"; 
$image_dest =~ s|/+$|/|o; 
 Andreas> to let the install process work properly (else it trys to link
 Andreas> /bootvmlinuz on my box).

	You need top upgrade your kernel-package. 

 Andreas> Moreover the link is to

 Andreas>    /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.7

 Andreas> which doesn't help at all for the grub problem, because grub
 Andreas> will not find the kernel image in the case that /boot is a
 Andreas> separate partition.  Any solution how it could be done
 Andreas> correctly?

	Again, the solution is to upgrade kernel-package to a version
 that honours relative_links. 


 Two parent drops spent months teaching their son how to be part of
 the ocean.  After months of training, the father drop commented to
 the mother drop, "We've taught our boy everything we know, he's fit
 to be tide."
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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