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Re: About new fields in debian/control for bug reporting.

>>>>> "Itai" == Itai Zukerman <zukerman@math-hat.com> writes:

    Itai> Origin-debian will contain a *conffile* /etc/origin/Debian
    Itai> with a template for filling in the last 3 items shown (and
    Itai> maybe others).

    Itai> I think this is close to your suggestion, except that every
    Itai> distribution provides their own origin-* package, and that
    Itai> these templates are conffiles in /etc/origin (not related to
    Itai> dpkg).

    Itai> I've just started on this, so please make some useful
    Itai> comments (like a better name for the executable than
    Itai> "origin").

I have some questions:

- what happens if a package is not listed?

- what happens if the package is listed in more then one origin-*
package? eg. origin-debian and origin-gnome-helix, would have the same
files, different versions. (then again, this might be a bad example, I
am not sure who manages bug reports for the helix packages...  Assume
that this *isn't* Debian).

Or, say I installed origin-gnome-helix, but downgraded to the Debian
version of gnome, without realizing I still had the
origin-gnome-helix, how would this work?

- would packages listed in /etc/origin contain version numbers to
support the example in the last item (this might get messy, rather

- if I wanted to package, say my website (something which isn't of
general interest to the Debian project), would I also have to package
a separate origin-* package so that bug reports (eg speling mistakes)
come back to me? This would seem to me to be a slight overkill...

Personally, I think it might be better if each package was responsible
for its own bug tracking system. I don't really care how this is

Some other suggestions:

- the bug tracking entry could include a label, eg 'debian', instead
of an E-Mail address. When a label is used instead, it could be cross
referenced with some sort of database (cf dupload --to database).

- assume that if no entry is included, it came from Debian.
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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