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Re: Problem with man: "WARNING: Terminal is not fully functional"

On 21 July 2000 at 10:58, hilliard@adelphia.net (Robert D. Hilliard) wrote:
> Rene Mayrhofer <rene.mayrhofer@vianova.at> writes:
> > I get the following error message when I start man:
> > "WARNING: Terminal not fully functional"
> > An then man only used more as pager, not less (I think it does, because
> > scrolling only works downwards when I press space, but nothing else).
>      AFAIK man uses PAGER environment variable to choose its pager.
> Try `echo $PAGER' to see what you have set.

In addition, it sounds like there is a problem with the terminal being
used.  Are you connecting to the computer via Win95 telnet or

Regardless, you can fix the terminal error by setting $TERM to
something like linux, xterm, or vt100.


Christopher Tessone                                   Computer Programmer
Illinois Mathematics & Science Academy     Learning-at-a-Distance Program
GnuPG Key: http://www.imsa.edu/~tessone/mykey.asc

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