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Re: About VICE

On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 12:46:52PM -0400, Ben Collins wrote:

> Because it wont work without a non-free component? If you cannot use it
> wihtout the ROM, then it must be in contrib (even if that ROM can be
> gotten freely, it is still not included).

You're right. Sorry, but too many hours in front of pc, vice installation
from scratch and a mental confusion about roms made me say several
bullshits. BTW I continue to support the idea to go for a new version in
debian. Ideas?

| Christian Surchi           | www.firenze.linux.it/~csurchi    | www. |       
| csurchi@debian.org         | christian@firenze.linux.it       | gnu. | 
| FLUG: www.firenze.linux.it | Debian GNU/Linux: www.debian.org | org  | 
Snow Day -- stay home.

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